Prof. Dr. Jaeyoung Lee
Chief Executive Officer
Professor Jaeyoung Lee of the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering at GIST is regarded as “an expert with extensive and rich field experience in the intelligent knowledge and information society,” received a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Gesellschaft (FHI der MPG) in Berlin in 2001. He worked at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and POSCO’s Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST). As the CEO of eSUS Co., Ltd., which was founded with electrochemical scale-up science as a business mode, he is deriving basic and applied research outcomes, such as electrocatalyst materials and prototype processes with a significant academic and industrial impact, in the fields of carbon dioxide recycling (e.g., carbon capture and utilization; CCUS), ammonia energy vector, and water electrolysis business. As a member of the Korea-Germany Alumni Network (ADeKo), he also plays a role in incorporating German and European science and technology directions into domestic trends.
- ㅇ 산학협력: 삼성전자, 포스코, 한국전력, 현대자동차, 휴켐스, LG전자, SK Innovation(2013)
- ㅇ 2020-2022 산업통상자원부 사업재편심의위원회
- ㅇ 2021-현재 GIST 화학에너지 저장 및 변환공정 미래연구센터 센터장
- ㅇ 2023-현재 포스코홀딩스 미래기술연구원 연구위원(연구년)